Small coffee - big impact Small coffee - big impact

What your daily coffee has to do with your pillar 3a, and why you’re better off investing in securities than coffee.

What your daily coffee has to do with your pillar 3a, and why you’re better off investing in securities than coffee.

What your daily coffee has to do with your future

We all have our little moments of pleasure during the day. The coffee on our way to work, the croissant for lunch or the chocolate afterwards. But can you imagine giving up your daily takeaway coffee on the way to work and investing the money in your pillar 3a instead?

Here's an example

Have you considered how much wealth you could accumulate with such a small amount over the course of 35 years until retirement age? It really adds up! Assuming you make a deposit of CHF 5 each working day (or CHF 1,125 annually), and you’re 30 years old, male, employed, and choose the ambitious investment strategy with a hypothetical annual return of 4.16% (net after costs)*, this amounts to more than CHF 78,700. Amazing, eh?

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* The estimate of future returns contained in this document is for information purposes only. No guarantee is given for this.