Pillar 3a: what you need to know Pillar 3a: what you need to know

We explain what a pillar 3a is and why it is important to think about it.

We explain what a pillar 3a is and why it is important to think about it.

What's a pillar 3a?

The Swiss pension system is based on three pillars - state, occupational and private pension provision. The third, private pension provision, is divided into tied (pillar 3a) and untied (pillar 3b) pension provision.

What are the benefits of pillar 3a?

The earlier you start your pension provision, the greater your financial leeway in the future. You can save more money over a longer period of time and pay less tax at the same time! Read the article below to find out what else you can use pillar 3a for.

Which pillar 3a solution should I choose?

Why frankly?


Fully digital. No paperwork. Open an account in just a few minutes

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Developed by Zürcher Kantonal­bank, one of the safest universal banks in the world.

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What's frankly?

frankly is the digital pension solution from Zürcher Kantonalbank. Retirement planning is something that affects everybody. That’s why frankly offers a simple and favourable pillar 3a and vested benefits account without any paperwork.